
Until I Find You by Rea Frey

Until I Find You

Rebecca (Bec) Gray has made so many adjustments in the last year. Her husband died in an accident before she gave birth to their son, Jackson. She has a degenerative eye condition where she’s lost her sight and has learned to live as a blind woman. Her mother recently succumbed to cancer and she’s now alone to care for her three-month old son who is the center of her life. But recently, Bec’s suffering from extreme anxiety, particularly around Jackson, imagining something happening to him. She’s not sleeping well but she’s managing…until one day she wakes and picks up her baby and knows immediately he’s not her son. Trouble is, no one believes her. To her friends, he looks like Jackson though all admit they hadn’t many opportunities to see him closely.

One of the remarkable aspects of this story is being able to “see” the world through the eyes of someone with sight impairment. I’ve often speculated about how the sightless manage the mundane daily tasks and that was completely answered through Bec’s routines. She has a system, mostly using step counts to augment her own exceptional memory skills. But what was abundantly clear was how she identifies her own child. The descriptions and details leading up to his going missing were painstakingly outlined, even to the point where it slowed the pace of the story to a crawl. If you can hang in there, there’s a nice payoff because, unlike the people around her, there was no ambiguity in my mind about whether or not she was mistaken because I had been utterly convinced she could “see” her child.

I enjoyed the story after it shifted to the search for Jackson. It became a layered one about Bec’s efforts to get people to believe her, including law enforcement and her close friends, and following the clues to figure out the who, when and how of Jackson’s disappearance. Magnifying the situation was the fact her baby had been swapped with another so who was this child and why he was exchanged? It became a page turner where I then couldn’t put the book down. The resolution wasn’t anything like I’d imagined but it was consistent with the characterizations leading up to the climax. It was a slow burn but eventually got there, taking the time to develop Bec’s world so I could see it through her “eyes.”

Book Info

  • Release Date: August 11, 2020
  • Page Numbers: 316
  • Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin


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(Thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)

21 thoughts on “Until I Find You by Rea Frey”

  1. I have been reading Emma Viskic’s series starting with Resurrection Bay featuring a deaf PI, and it’s been excellent. Reading about how those with an impairment cope and not only that, sometimes excel too!

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