Positivity Wave

The Positivity Wave #26

The Positivity Wave
Welcome to my Friday feature! Created by the wonderful Meggy @ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, it’s a remedy against feeling down by creating a list of all the good things happening in my life this week. I became so inspired by her weekly posts and later also that by Nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog,  I felt it was time to begin sharing my own good feelings. It can be anything, from the smallest gesture from a stranger to a major event in your life that alters the direction of your day. Maybe something here will bring a smile to you in the moment.

Old Friends

I met one of my best friends for drinks and appetizers at a favorite restaurant Monday night. She’s in a new job so we haven’t had time to catch up in a long time. It was, however, like we’d never missed a beat💜 Happy times!



November 26 was the release day for both of these books, high on my wishlist! I downloaded both for audio review and am almost finished the J. R. Ward book. I’m in listening heaven😍


Thanksgiving Turkey
We spent Thanksgiving with our best friends and had the most wonderful time! Met someone new who quickly became another friend. And, texted all day with my sisters, vowing we’d spend this holiday together next year. Already planning….


Virgin River, one of my most favorite contemporary romance books series by Robyn Carr, is coming to Netflix on December 6!!! The casting is perfect and I’m counting down the days💜


  • Started up my walking routine again! Feeling great.
  • Some unexpected money (past due loan) showed up on Tuesday!
  • We needed another panel of curtains for one of the beach house bedrooms (we miscounted) and finally found the discontinued item on Amazon. Disaster averted.
  • Got a coupon in store for the honey baked ham I was buying. Lost mine and someone was kind enough to give me one.
  • Out of the blue, someone told me I had a beautiful smile. Made my day.

What positivity waves hit you this week?

16 thoughts on “The Positivity Wave #26”

  1. Lovely to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a night out with an old friend. I love how we can just pick up exactly where we left off with our real friends. It’s like no time has passed. And good luck with the walking, we’re just coming into the hibernation season up here. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That first visual, friendships that withdraw time, space, and life, it went straight to my heart. I’m lucky to have such friendships and I treasure them ❤
    I would love to spend Thanksgiving in America. It's on my bucket list! Thank you so much for sharing the happy big and small moments of your week ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I missed this post last week, so I am glad that I got to catch up. It sounds like you had a wonderful thanksgiving. So glad you got some unexpected cash, and finding the discontinued curtains is a bonus. Love all your positives.


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