Positivity Wave

The Positivity Wave #43

The Positivity Wave
Welcome to my Friday feature! Created by the wonderful Meggy @ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, it’s a remedy against feeling down by creating a list of all the good things happening in my life this week. I became so inspired by her weekly posts and later also that by Nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog,  I felt it was time to begin sharing my own good feelings. It can be anything, from the smallest gesture from a stranger to a major event in your life that alters the direction of your day. Maybe something here will bring a smile to you in the moment.

I’m Grateful

This week, I’m going to focus on all the things I’m grateful for in the midst of all the worldwide worry and concern.



Bosch 7th Season
Bosch 6th Season

Bosch Season 6 showed up a day earlier so hubby & I quickly clicked off three episodes last night. We were giddy!!! And, they were SO good💜


Oh, how I’ve missed my workshops! So, I decided to check out the virtual one via Zoom on Wednesday. My workshop leader led the meeting and my Besties were there!!! It was the inspiration I needed to stay on track.


Unnerved by the lack of proper social distancing, I gave up walking. After reconsideration, I decided that I should take more control and resume my walking through my neighborhood. I’ve gotten two walks completed in a row and made the adjustments when people misbehaved, without feeling rude about it.


I never realized that I suffered from anxiety until all the recent discussions about it. I realized that I’d developed subconscious coping mechanisms to deal with it so it was my normal…until this stay at home order. Few of my coping mechanisms were available so I was a bit of a mess. It’s why I didn’t do a post last week. So, I listened to all these wonderful professionals out there and developed new techniques and they are working! I’m back to business and when I feel it creeping back up, I stop and deal with it before it takes over. Mine isn’t totally debilitating because most around me would never know. But, I like feeling like “me” and being my best self.


Lowes Grocery Pick Up
Had to abandon Walmart grocery delivery or pickup because it wasn’t working. So, I tried Lowes Foods and it worked beautifully. My store is about a mile away and had a drive thru lane with a call button. It was incredibly easy.



Social Distancing
Our neighbors across the street conversed with me yesterday using social distancing. We talked for 30 minutes and it was wonderful!!!


I continue to pause and reflect upon the people and things in my life that truly matter. For that, I’m grateful.

What are you grateful for in this moment?

31 thoughts on “The Positivity Wave #43”

  1. This whole situation is unnerving and anxiety producing! I’m happy to hear you have some strategies that work for relieving the angst. I did a Walmart pick up this morning! I’m getting spoiled by someone doing my shopping and bringing it to my trunk! I use Instacart sometimes too but they are overwhelmed I think! Thanks for sharing the positivity!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love to see your are finding a balance, and able to talk to neighbours and still get a walk, Jonetta, and glad to hear you found a way to cope with your anxiety. Hang in there, and hope you enjoy the weekend binge watching.

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  3. I am happy to see that you are feeling better this week. There is so much anxiety out there, that if you have even the smallest anxiety issues, this will exacerbate it. Glad you have found some strategies that work. I need to get back to my walks. so many people have been hassling me about staying in, but I need to get out!! I have been going shopping once a week as the pickups around here are 2 weeks out and half the stuff you order isn’t available. I am glad the new location is working for you. Stay strong, stay healthy and stay safe Jonetta.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So happy to hear that things are running better for you this week! And I totally understand your walking dilemma. I had a few spots I’d go to basically any day it wasn’t raining. They were usually empty before quarantine kicked in. And the lack of proper social distancing made me cut way back. I just found a new area where I never see anyone else, so fingers crossed it stays that way. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m happy to hear you persevered with your walks and were able to talk to the neighbors!
    My husband and I are very careful since he is at risk, but we still try to go on walks from time to time in secluded areas, and so far we have hardly met anyone on the path so it’s good!
    Did you read books or find online resources about anxiety? I have been feeling a spike in anxiety, not about the current situation but about how it’s going to be when it all “goes back to normal”. I’m happy that the planet seems to be doing better, and anxious about the impact it will have when everything starts back up.
    Glad you’re enjoying the new season of Bosch, I just watched season 1 and loved it! I had to get the new special Edition of book 1 of the Bosch series read by Titus Welliver, it was SO GOOD!! His narration made the book even better (and I’m already a huge fan of the Bosch Universe)

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    1. Thank you, Alex💜 No, I didn’t read books about anxiety as I lacked the patience to sit still. I watched video segments that were extremely helpful. That fit my auditory learning style.

      I had NO idea Welliver was redoing the earlier books!!! That’s fantastic. You are in for some of the best TV with the series. It’s SO good🥰


      1. Oooooh that’s exciting, I can’t wait to watch more! Yes the special edition of The Black Echo came out on March 31st and I saw that completely by chance, I used my Audible credit right away and was not disappointed!
        Take care 🌸

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  6. People not social distancing sets off my anxiety – we are lucky to live in the country so we’ve been walking along farm roads that have been pretty much empty with the exception of the odd tractor.

    Take care! x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good morning!
    It’s so funny but we had the exact opposite happen to us. Loew’s had very little for us while Walmart seems to have the most of our needs. We love Loews though and will continue to shop there.

    We have started walking too! The roads here are a lot steeper than they were in Chesapeake so we get a good workout for sure. When we walk there is maybe one or two people we meet, so we don’t worry about social distancing.

    Enjoying our screened in porch on these beautiful North Carolina days!……and I found an indie bookstore to buy some books from. Just want to keep those small businesses going.

    Be well, this too, will pass….

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    1. Thanks, Marialyce💜 I just can’t even schedule a Walmart delivery but the one time I did, they had a more robust offering. Oh, well.

      My neighborhood walk has all the challenge I need for a good workout, too! It’s my next door neighbor who is my walking challenge but I moved to the opposite side of the street when he approached. He also doesn’t pick up after his pooch, which has driven other neighbors nuts. Not going to let him deter me.

      The one thing we regret not having is a screened porch! Maybe the next house?😏 So glad that you’re loving it! This is the perfect weather to be out on it but beware our humid summers.


  8. Happy positivity day (well, I’m late but everyday can be positivity day :D)
    I watched 6 minutes of Bosch and… stopped 🙈 I think I have a problem with the lead actor!
    I am glad you resumed walking. It’s good for your mental and physical health, and I hate the idea of stupid people stopping you from doing it. I’m sorry about your anxiety but so proud that you handled it straight away when you realized and wow, you’re doing great, love! Much love to you! Thank you for this wonderful post xxxx

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