
Into the Fire by Allison Brennan @Allison_Brennan @HarlequinBooks

the setup…
Margo Angelhart comes from a family of high achievers. Unsure of her own path, she joined the Army after her graduation from high school to find her calling. It’s six years later and Margo, having left the service, has her PI license but is also bartending at a friend’s family’s bar to help pay the bills. That friend is Andy Flannigan, a prosecutor, who comes to her secretly with a case…his own. Sergio Diaz has confessed to an armed robbery murder but he believes the 19-year old is innocent. He obviously can’t pursue it and doesn’t want to put away an innocent man.

the heart of the story…
Margo is an interesting woman, still questioning if she’s got the skills to make it as a private investigator. If this case is an example, I think she does. Her instincts are excellent and, though she made some mistakes, she did all the right things in approaching and investigating Sergio’s circumstances. Margo was also respectful of law enforcement in the process and this almost reads like a police procedural, which I loved.

the bottom line…
It’s a great opening for this new series as I got a strong sense of not only who Margo is and what’s important to her (family), but lots of background on her family and friends. The case was extremely interesting and compelling as I was invested in Sergio’s outcome. I’m now primed and ready for the first full book in this series and it was wonderful being back in any Brennan world.

Book Info

  • Release Date: May 28, 2024
  • Series: Angelheart Investigations #.5
  • Page Numbers: 159
  • Publisher: MIRA


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23 thoughts on “Into the Fire by Allison Brennan @Allison_Brennan @HarlequinBooks”

      1. I know, I’ve taken it up with the author so many times. Her books are mostly unavailable as kindle in the UK. And hardback and pb are not easy to come by. And this one is just completely unavailable at the moment.

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