
The Sunshine Blogger Award


I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Norma & Brenda @ Two Sisters Lost in a Coulee Reading. You MUST check out their outstanding blog if you haven’t already done so!  Thanks for nominating me Norma & Brenda!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog.
  • Answer the questions
  • Nominate 11 blogs with 11 questions
  • List the rules as well as display the Sunshine Award Logo on your post.



1. What cheers you up?

My six-year old nephew is an absolute joy. He’s sweet natured, kind and thoughtful. I love FaceTime with him and no matter what’s going on, he brightens the moment.

2. Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?

I routinely read one eBook and listen to one audiobook simultaneously. Beyond that, it’s impossible. I also try to ensure they’re in different genres. Once I was reading and listening to two books in the historical fiction genre and I kept conflating the two stories. I won’t make that mistake again.

3. How do you prepare for your next read?

I create a reading plan each month so I can make sure I’ve included books provided by publishers for review, group reads and my own personal list. I’m an eclectic reader so my list has a mix of at least several genres. When I finish one, I’ll choose the next based on time requirements or the need for a palate cleanser after a tough read.

4. Mountains or the beach?

Though I love the mountains, the scent and sound of the ocean always seems to call me more strongly. And if it’s turquoise, that’s even more irresistible.

5. If you had to be trapped in a TV show or a book for a month, which show or book would you choose?

Right now, I’m obsessed with the TV series Bosch, which is also one of my favorite book series. I’d love to work a case with Harry. But if I had to choose a book, it would be one in the In Death series! The chance to work with super cop Eve Dallas and also meet Roarke? Priceless.

6. Describe to me your dream vacation or best vacation.

I fantasize about visiting Ireland and I’m determined to get there sometime in my lifetime.

7. List five words that best describes you.

Loyal, impatient, intelligent, empathetic & procrastinator.

8. What famous person do people tell you that you most resemble?

I’ve never been told that I resemble anyone famous but I’m always mistaken for someone’s teacher, cousin, aunt, schoolmate, etc. I have a few doppelgängers out there😉

9. What is your favourite book genre and book that you have read in that genre?

No matter how many genres I embrace, my first and continuing love is mystery. Choosing one favorite is like asking to pick which of my children I prefer (I don’t have any!). So, I’ll give you a couple. Conspiracy in Death by J. D. Robb. I don’t re-read but I’ve read this book at least three times. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty is another favorite, though that’s a mix with contemporary fiction. I also have a list of many favorites by Karin Slaughter, Harlan Coben and Val McDermid.

10. What is your least favourite book genre?

Hands down, it’s horror. You won’t find many on my shelf

11. What is your favourite thing to spend money on?

Books! I’m a voracious reader and nothing gets me more excited than new titles or great discounts. No surprise, huh? Second to that are bath soaps and oils. I cannot have enough!


I NOMINATE (I’ll understand if you’re not game)

1. Eva @ Novel Deelights

2. Irena @ Book Dust Magic

3. Kris @ My Novelesque Life

4. Deanna @ Dee’s Rad Reads and Reviews 

5. Corina & Tijuana @ Book Twins Reviews

6. Anne @ Books of My Heart

7. Melanie @ Hot Listens

8. Cassie @ Revised Origins

9. Christina @ Recipe and a Read

10. Shalini @ Books, Reviews, et al by Shalini

11. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer



1. What was the inspiration for your blog design?

2. Who was the most positive influence in your life and why?

3. What was the book (or books) that led you to your most favorite genre?

4. What authors would you most like to sit down with for a cup of coffee and discuss their writing?

5. What are you most proud of so far?

6. If you could be transported into any story you’ve read to date, what book would it be and why? (It’s okay to have more than one.)

7. Where do you post your reviews, other than your blog?

8. Coffee, tea or something else?

9. When did you realize that books would always be important in your life?

10. What book brought you to tears?

11. What are two things you’d want people to know about you?

22 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Lovely Q&A 🙂
    I also can’t keep track of more than 2 books usually, and they have to be different formats. Even different genre preferably.

    I also prefer beaches too 🙂 Mountains are nice, but they usually involve hikes and i’m not on that fitness level right now 😀

    I watched the first 2 seasons of Bosch before i realized it was based on a book series…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Norrie! Not to worry about the Harry Bosch books. While the characterization of Harry is dead on to the book series, most of the seasons are mashups of several books, changed quite a lot. If ever you decide to read the books, I think you’ll be fine. And if you’re an audio girl, that’s the direction I’d recommend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This was so much fun to read, Jonetta! I love turquoise waters at the beach! ! I have been approached many times like people know me, some are very certain they do, so I must have many doppelgängers too! I’m not much of a horror reader either.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for nominations. I really appreciate it!
    Ohh, I get you totally with some of your answers, like you, I can totally read only one book at time, two maxumum (one ebook and one physical).
    And I also spend most of my money on books. I am trying to be rational lately, and I have put myself on book buying ban until October 15th but every now and then I visit The Book Depository to see what I could but after the ban is over. I am preparing myself for HoHoHo readathon so I want to buy festive books. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

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