Positivity Wave

The Positivity Wave #8

The Positivity Wave
Welcome to my Friday feature! Created by the wonderful Meggy @ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, it’s a remedy against feeling down by creating a list of all the good things happening in my life this week. I became so inspired by her weekly posts and later also that by Nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog,  I felt it was time to begin sharing my own good feelings. It can be anything, from the smallest gesture from a stranger to a major event in your life that alters the direction of your day. Maybe something here will bring a smile to you in the moment.



This monstrous piece of furniture is called a shrunk, made in Germany. I’m packing up my late mother’s home and this piece was a problem, a big one…until this week! I’ve got a buyer!!!



Paid in Full

I made my final payment on a 3-year old debt! I didn’t even realize it was my last payment so it feels like Christmas in July.



Rain Storm

I love a good rainstorm and we had a beautiful one on Monday. It wasn’t destructive, just quietly calming and it sent the heat wave away. Good reading day  



Big Little Lies
Watched the series finale (?) and all I can say is Laura Dern and Meryl Streep rocked! Talk of a season 3….maybe?💜


  • Listening to a great audiobook and reading a really good eBook, struggling to choose between the two because they are both SO good!
  • I had a horrible cold and am now feeling human again.
  • Listened to two outstanding audiobooks, back to back, finishing them in two days. That’s just book heaven. 
  • The heat wave broke and it’s just gorgeous weather!
  • I was able to return to my WW workshop after a two-week absence because of illness and it was a fabulous session. I love these meetings and the participants. 

What positivity waves hit you this week?

32 thoughts on “The Positivity Wave #8”

  1. Congrats on paying off debt!!! That is just one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.

    I’m really hoping for a season 3 of Big Little Lies too. even though I think they said no? I’m hoping otherwise. I didn’t love this season quite as much as the first, but even their less-good is so, so good!

    Could that monster furniture be a “Schrank”? That’s the German word for a wardrobe or cabinet. The pronunciation does kinda sound like “shrunk”. It looks like a complicated piece, great that you’ve finally re-homed it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’d set that debt up on auto pay and when I got what was the final bill, I noticed it was way lower, which made me check. You have no idea what a big deal this is.

      I read an article yesterday that there aren’t any plans for a Season 3 but if someone comes up with a creative angle that the stars say “yes” to….😏 I wasn’t as crazy about the artistic editing choices in Season 2 but anytime I get to see this kind of talent assembled, it’s still a delight. I never noticed when the end approached. Bonny’s story was the weirdest.

      It could definitely be called a “shrank” that Americans transposed to “shrunk.” It Googled as shrunk. My mother loved this piece and lots of military families brought them back from Germany. Mom always wanted one but failed to get it when we left Germany. She bought it from another military family after my Dad retired and it consumed our family den. I’ve been able to handle all the other furniture but thought I’d have to pay someone to take this so I was thrilled with the offer.


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