Bookish Stuff, Meme

Can’t Wait Wednesday – Echo Road by Kendra Elliot & Melinda Leigh #KendraElliot @MelindaLeigh1 @BrilliancePub


Can’t-Wait Wednesday
is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday that was hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

I just finished listening to the most recent release in the Bree Taggert series and was lamenting having to wait when the author told me about this one. I did a double yelp when I realized Bree and Mercy Kilpatrick are teaming!


When two cross-country cases collide, Bree Taggert and Mercy Kilpatrick join forces to catch a serial killer in an addictive novel of suspense by bestselling authors Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot.

During a vicious heat wave, a county maintenance worker stumbles upon two suspicious suitcases abandoned by the side of the road. Sheriff Bree Taggert responds to find two bodies stuffed inside the luggage. The press demands action. The community is on edge. Suddenly, Bree is at the center of a media firestorm.

In Oregon, a senator’s daughter goes missing. FBI Special Agent Mercy Kilpatrick agrees to keep the politically sensitive case on the down-low. When she finds a link between the disappearance and a double homicide three thousand miles away, Mercy takes the next plane out—and lands right in the middle of Bree’s double homicide investigation.

To save the missing girl, Bree and Mercy must work together to stop a killer who’s playing deadly games with the press and stirring up public rage. Hungry for notoriety, he dares Bree and Mercy to catch him before he kills again.

Book Info

  • Release Date: July 2, 2024
  • Series: Mercy Kilpatrick #6 & Bree Taggert #9
  • Audiobook Narrator: TBR
  • Audio Length: ~ 9 hours
  • Print/Digital Page Numbers: 332
  • Publishers: Montlake (print & digital); Brilliance Audio (audio)


Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible 

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