Audiobook, Contemporary Fiction

Joe Nuthin’s Guide to Life by Helen Fisher @HFisherAuthor @alexwingfield1 @SimonAudio

the setup…

Joe-Nathan Clarke is a 23-year old neurodivergent young man who lives with his mother and has worked at The Compass Store for five years. He also has OCD and has found a way to manage his work and home life into routines that serve his needs. Joe-Nathan has also developed supportive relationships at work, despite a few who still choose to make fun of him. It’s Mean Charlie who coined the name “Joe-Nuthin” but he’s determined to find a way to be Charlie’s friend over the objections of others who have written this sullen guy off. It becomes a perilous goal and not just for him.

the heart of the story…
The story is told primarily from Joe-Nathan’s point of view and there’s a simple logic to his way of thinking I found endearing and hopeful. He lacks the cynicism and layers of protection people typically develop as they move through life. It was refreshing, though not always wise in tough circumstances. I admired how his mother Janet created notebooks for him to reference, preparing him for an independent life someday, giving him practical advice and guidance. But it’s his commitment to Charlie that stands out, willing to hang in there when others were unwilling to look deeper.

the narration…
I was impressed at how Joe-Nathan was characterized, giving his voice dignity without caricature. The voice distinctions for the secondary characters were extremely well done, too, and I loved his storytelling skills.

the bottom line…
This turned out to be the story I was hoping for and more. As those around him work hard to prepare him for the realities of the adult world, it’s Joe-Nathan who delivers life lessons to those in his orbit. He takes them seriously but challenges their perceptions when it doesn’t fit his sensibilities. By not giving up on Charlie, Joe-Nathan helped them see a different side to the guy, upsetting their hard-formed opinions. It’s a lovely message delivered through a young man who doesn’t fit the ideal of what’s normal and is least expected to be a vessel of wisdom.

Book Info

  • Release Date: May 28, 2024
  • Narrator: Alex Wingfield
  • Audio Length: 10 hours, 27 minutes
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio


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(Thanks to Simon & Schuster Audio for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)

19 thoughts on “Joe Nuthin’s Guide to Life by Helen Fisher @HFisherAuthor @alexwingfield1 @SimonAudio”

  1. So glad you enjoyed this one. I recently gave a loan of it to one of my friends and told her if she doesn’t like Joe, we can’t be friends anymore. Luckily we’re still friends!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I absolutely loved this book, Jo. I haven’t written my review yet, as I don’t know if I can give it justice. I love your review, you touched on the most important points.

    Liked by 1 person

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