Audiobook, Contemporary Romance

In Flames by Jessica Jayne



One year ago, Matt Riley lost his brother, Chad, to a deadly fire. Both were firefighters and he watched his brother perish. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he had the horrible experience of having to tell his sister-in-law, Gracelyn her husband was gone. Matt made it his mission to support her and the two children during the next year, both sort of propping each other up when he tried to drown his sorrows and she struggled to move forward. Now on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of Chad’s death, their consolation turns to something much, much more.

The idea of a brother taking up with his brother’s wife isn’t a new one but it’s always intriguing and this one lives up to that expectation. Complicating matters is Matt having always been attracted to Gracelyn though he’d never, ever considered crossing that proverbial line. When their passion was unleashed, it was pretty combustible. These two were fearless in their feelings for each other but highly fearful of condemnation from family and colleagues. They had reason to be wary, especially of reactions from Matt’s mother, his ex-wife and their children. I thought this story got all these dynamics right especially if their relationships as aunt and uncle would transition to that of a stepparent. It’s complicated and I liked that these issues were front and center.

I enjoyed this story and felt the narrators captured the personalities of both Matt and Gracelyn. The pacing was great and I was very invested in the story. I wish we had more insight into what happened between Gracelyn and Matt in that past year as it would have made their relationship feel less like something instant. Otherwise, this worked very well for me. There were no easy answers and the resolutions felt realistic. A warning though…the steam level is off the charts!

Book Info

  • Release Date: November 9, 2018
  • Narrators: Samantha Cook & Joe Arden
  • Audio Length: 5 hours, 32 minutes


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(I received a complimentary copy from Caffeinated Services in exchange for an unbiased review)

20 thoughts on “In Flames by Jessica Jayne”

  1. Great review! I debated about getting this for review but I just already had too many at the time. Maybe I will get to it because it certainly sounds like I would enjoy it. Anne – Books of My Heart

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