Positivity Wave

The Positivity Wave #14

The Positivity Wave
Welcome to my Friday feature! Created by the wonderful Meggy @ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, it’s a remedy against feeling down by creating a list of all the good things happening in my life this week. I became so inspired by her weekly posts and later also that by Nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog,  I felt it was time to begin sharing my own good feelings. It can be anything, from the smallest gesture from a stranger to a major event in your life that alters the direction of your day. Maybe something here will bring a smile to you in the moment.


Hurricane Dorian

Our beach house in SC was spared from Hurricane Dorian’s wrath. My heart and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this monster storm that is finally starting to weaken.




Sprouts had the most delicious peaches on sale this week. Do you know how many things you can do with them? My easy one was to cut them up and add just a little lite Cool Whip. Yum🥰



Vendetta in Death
If you’ve known me for awhile, you probably know that the In Death series is my most favorite…ever! I even moderate the J. D. Robb Goodreads group. This is the new book in the series. Released this week, my library came through and I got it on Wednesday! Starting it next. All is almost right with the world🥳



Continuing my smile therapy, I met two new interesting people in the grocery line and we had the best conversations. Please try this…it will change your day.💜



  • Got caught up crafting all my past due group book discussion questions…4 books!
  • Listening to a great book and reading another! Having to choose is difficult…what a great problem.
  • Both my sisters reached out when they could sense something wasn’t right, offered just the right comfort.
  • Had one of the most fun WW meetings as so many missing from the summer returned.
  • Got a $5 Amazon gift card out of the blue for completing a big survey! That’s equivalent to two books for me.

What positivity waves hit you this week?

39 thoughts on “The Positivity Wave #14”

  1. Yay, happy Friday! Thank you for this wonderful feature every week, it always reminds me to be grateful for the good things in my life ❤️
    📕MP📚 X

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The good news in here is that Dorian missed you, so happy to hear that given the absolute path of destruction rained down on the Bahamas. Mother Nature’s wrath! We gave what we could. 😦

    You know, I have yet to read a JD Robb novel, I really must check her out. And peaches? Oh yes, sign me up, I love them, along with strawberries. They grow them on the island of ile de Orlean here, in QC. Strawbs I mean. And they are so big fat and delicious.

    Have a great weekend Sweetie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve visited the Caribbean many times (Nassau, Virgin Islands, etc.) so when I heard what they were facing, I knew it would be devastating. It is great news about our house…we just finished it!

      Oh, you must try at least the first book in the J. D. Robb series!!! Fat, delicious strawberries sound so tempting right now🥰

      You have a great weekend, too, Alexandra💜💜💜


  3. Sounds like a great week Jonetta. I am happy about your beach house, but sad for all the ones who lost homes, possessions and lives. So sad. An Amazon Card out of the blue? Score!! Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m glad your house is safe. This hurricane has been awful. I adore peaches, they are so juicy, and God knows why their colors make me happy!
    YES to the smile therapy! I know many people would benefit from it!!!
    Great books in all forms are a blessing. I’m so happy to be faced with the hard task to choose!
    Thank you so much for such a fantastic post! xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

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