Historical Romance

Bride of the High Country by Kaki Warner

Bride of the High Country

Lucinda Hathaway showed up in Heartbreak Creek on a train with Maddie Wallace, toting a lot of money and secrets. After her new friends found happiness there, she decided to stay, invest in the hotel and set her sights on revitalizing the entire town. But who was she and where did she come from? This is her backstory, leading up to her arrival in Heartbreak Creek and then beyond.

I knew Lucinda’s story would be intriguing but was unprepared for the tragedy of her early life. It explained why she had such a tough veneer that was actually beyond skin deep. The first half of the book was hard to put down as the details weren’t spared in chronicling her journey from New York City to the Colorado Territory. It was exciting, dangerous and suspenseful. Her relationship with Tait Ryland, the man tasked with finding and returning her to New York, was complicated and romantic. However, the second half of the story covered old territory, events that occurred in the first two books but rehashed here unnecessarily as Lucinda’s point of view didn’t add much.

I enjoyed the story but wish more time was devoted to new events in the second half. I loved the character and thought she was exceptionally designed and developed. I’ve enjoyed this series and was sorry to see it end until I learned it’s continued in a spinoff. It will be fun to return to Heartbreak Creek and the characters I came to care about.

Book Info

  • Release Date: June 1, 2012
  • Series: Runaway Brides #3
  • Page Numbers: 400
  • Publisher: Berkley


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