Historical Mystery

Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue by Victoria Thompson

Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue



I’m reading this series in one of my Goodreads groups and it’s one of our favorites. It’s set in turn-of-the-century (19th) New York City featuring Sarah and Frank Malloy who often find themselves investigating murders together.





Sarah and Frank Malloy are on their honeymoon in Europe, leaving Maeve and Frank’s mother to the care of their children and household. When a friend of Mrs. Malloy shows up on their doorstep looking for help for her daughter who’s been accused of murder, Maeve seizes the opportunity to explore the matter further.

This was a fun installment that allowed me to get to know the secondary characters better without the influence of Sarah and Frank. Maeve takes it upon herself to agree to investigate the murder of Una O’Neill Pollock’s husband, Randolph. Along the way, she pulls Gino Donatelli and Elizabeth & Felix Decker into the case, which turns out to be intriguing. Their interplay was at times humorous and this appears to be the start of a developing relationship between Maeve and Gino. And, this case serves as the inaugural one for the yet to be launched Malloy Investigations Agency.

I enjoyed everything about the story, including the deepening of the existing relationships and Maeve’s emergence as a savvy investigator. However, I also felt Sarah and Frank’s absence. They really are the anchors to this series and while I liked this diversion, I’m ready for their return. This was still a delightful interlude.

Book Info

  • Release Date: November 3, 2015
  • Series: Gaslight Mystery #18
  • Page Numbers: 311
  • Publisher: Berkley


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25 thoughts on “Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue by Victoria Thompson”

  1. Nice review Jonetta. I still have this series on my TBR, but haven’t started it yet. I do enjoy getting to know characters in a series and it sounds like this author has done a good job developing her characters.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely review, Jonetta.

    I like it too when an author writes a story about some secondary characters; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m glad you enjoyed this one.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great review, Jonetta! This is the first time I heard about this series but it sounds very interesting. Is it better to read it in order or can the books be read as standalones? I’m just not sure what I’ll be able to find in my library.

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