Positivity Wave

The Positivity Wave #22

The Positivity Wave
Welcome to my Friday feature! Created by the wonderful Meggy @ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, it’s a remedy against feeling down by creating a list of all the good things happening in my life this week. I became so inspired by her weekly posts and later also that by Nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog,  I felt it was time to begin sharing my own good feelings. It can be anything, from the smallest gesture from a stranger to a major event in your life that alters the direction of your day. Maybe something here will bring a smile to you in the moment.

Pumpkin Pie Hummus

I LOVE hummus and nearly flipped when this showed up at the grocery store! Trying dipping honey crisp apples in it and you’ll find a little piece of heaven.

Book Series

I completed three book series in October and got up to date in one! My love for series reading is legend💜



Jack Ryan Season #2 is here! Guess what hubby and I will be binge watching this weekend😏



  • I lost 2.2 lbs! My sister lost 3!!
  • There was a Starbucks less than a mile from the beach house…with a drive through. My mornings were saved.
  • Hubby and I spent the four hours of our road trip home working through some gnarly issues and it ended perfectly. We were so happy with how we worked things out.
  • I’m getting the last book in the Chronicles of the One series by Nora Roberts for audio review!
  • We finally got some long needed plumbing issues fixed…cheaply!!!

What positivity waves hit you this week?

26 thoughts on “The Positivity Wave #22”

  1. It all sounds good, Jonetta! What a wonderful weight loss! I really need to get onto a program as my eating habits have been really bad lately.

    We loved what we were able to see on our mini tour of your area this week. Super excited about making a move and saw such lovely areas to live in. Even though the weather was not good, we could readily see the charm of the area.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My health is better today though I am not back to normal.
    I hope to start reading books at my normal speed soon.
    The weather is cool today.
    I am hopeful that my stresses will decrease

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually love the two chocolate dessert hummus, too. The dark chocolate isn’t too sweet and the dark raspberry is a little sweeter. They’re just delicious. The pumpkin just has a hint of sweetness, just a nice flavor.

      I brew my Starbucks at home since they don’t carry my brand (caffe verona) in the stores but when I’m traveling, I’m not picky. I HAVE to find a Starbucks!! I was out there at 7:30 am😏

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      1. Apparently, they have Choc-o-chic, Banoffee Pie and Mixed Berry flavours here in the UK. I guess, I have to try it (tough job, but someone has got to do it… 😉 ).

        Haha, finding a Starbucks, when you are in dire need of coffee really is one of the small things, which can brighten up the day!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. What an awesome week Jonetta. They say one of the best places to discuss issues is in a car as someone can’t walk away. It is awesome that you both felt good about your solutions. 2.2 pounds is fantastic. Great job, keep it up. I just posted my positivity wave a little while ago. I had lots that made me happy this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Enjoyed reading everyone’s comments just now. What a nice idea! I’m on a holiday in California right now with my 2 adult sons so I haven’t taken the time to post anything on my own website for a couple of weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

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